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Verizon Cradlepoint Router Setup

Asheville Computer Company

This business customer has a need for high speed internet but is unable to get traditional cable or DSL service to their location. This leaves them with cellular internet as the only option.

They need a router, along with a backup router, to send the signal to all their wireless devices and several wired computers. We setup two new Verizon access points and matching Cradlepoint routers to handle all the traffic for the whole network.

While this customer is using the Cradlepoint / Verizon setup as their sole internet connection this can also be used as a fail safe for traditional cable, fiber or DSL connection. If your service is interrupted from your main ISP you can switch over to the cellular router until your normal service is restored. This can save valuable time and money and keep your company from going down for extended periods of time due to outside circumstances.

If being online and running is crucial to your company please give us a call.

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