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Have a PC and Quicktime? Time to get rid of it quick!

Asheville Computer Company

If you have a PC and have QuickTime installed it’s time to get rid of it quick 🙂

Apple and the US government are telling customers with a Windows operating system that QuickTime is no longer being updated and has potential security issues that could let hackers into your computer.

Quicktime was used as a video player in the past but hasn’t had a major update on the Windows side since 2005. On the Mac side it’s last major update was in 2009 and Apple will continue to support it there.

Quicktime is still available for download as some users still need it for certain programs and activities but the vast majority of users haven’t used it in a long time and don’t need it anymore.

As of now, there aren’t any known cases of an infection through one of these vulnerabilities but it’s probably only a matter of time before they are exploited.

You can check out the CCN Money article below for more details.

Quicktime can be removed through the normal Windows uninstall process but if you have any issues or aren’t quite sure how to do it please contact us. In most cases we can connect remotely and get it uninstalled in a very short time.


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